
The Advantages of Community

The love of community is very visible in this peaceful area called Paradise Valley.

Here you will find many talented and busy people:

  • 01Working the land to produce vegetables and fruits
  • Running home-based businesses supporting families
  • Providing wholistic healing for body, mind and spirit
  • Educating and mentoring children, grades 1 to 12
  • developing the arts, Shakespeare plays and music
  • constructing and building local homes and businesses
  • utilizing renewable energy — solar, wind and water
  • preparing housing and care for the elderly
  • enjoying active retirement and building community
  • commuting to work in Gardiner, Livingston or Bozeman
  • hiking, fishing, exploring, enjoying hot springs, and More…

It is truly stepping away from the hustle and bustle of the cities and coming to a place of tranquility.


How Would You Like to Live in Paradise?

30Do you remember in The Magic Presence the Himalayan valley approachable only by an underground riverbed? It was a tiny Elysium approximately 2 miles by 4 miles in size. Well, Paradise Valley in Montana is longer and about twice as wide, and instead of a sparkling stream running through it, there is the mighty Yellowstone River.

Each evening when you climb the 200 feet to the plateau of Glastonbury above Emigrant, such a peace comes over you, you turn and nod to the Himalayan master said to reside on Emigrant peak. The mountains turn pink in the alpenglow, and then the stars begin to crowd out to greet you. And Lo! You are home, and once again you bless the good fortune that led you to this place. The Indians named it, Paradise Valley, and they were right.

If you feel ready to become a part of a lively community of warm-hearted individuals perched on higher ground in Montana, come lend a hand!  I think you’ll like it here.

ES, North Glastonbury Resident